Tuesday, February 1, 2011


  • end-user software
  • used to accomplish a variety of tasks
  • common basic application software include word processors, spreadsheet, database management systems, and presentation graphics


    It create text-based documents and are one of the most flexible and widely used software tools. There are some examples of word processors software, which include
    •  Microsoft Word

    • Corel WordPerfect


    • Apple Pages

    Features of word processors
    • word wrap = automatically moves the insertion point to the next line once the current line is full.
    • the saurus = provides synonyms, antonyms, and related words for a selected word or phrase.
    • find and replace = quickly locate and replace selected words.
    • spelling and grammar checkers = look for misspelled words and problems with capitalization, punctuation, and sentence structure.
    • font = design of the characters.
    • font size = height of a characters.
    • character effects = appearance of characters can be enhanced as bold, italic, and colors.
    • styles = enables users to quickly apply a predefined set of formatting characteristics to text in one easy step.
    • bulleted and numbered lists = makes a sequence of topics easy to read.


    Spreadsheets programs organize, analyze, and graph numeric data such as budgets and financial reports. It also manipulate data and create workbook files.
    Features of spreadsheets
    • workbook files consist of one or more related worksheets.
    • worksheets, also known as spreadsheets or sheets, are rectangular grids of rows and columns, rows are identified by numbers, column by letters.
    • cells are formed by the intersection of a row and column ; used to hold text and numeric entries.text entries (labels) provide structure and numeric entries can be numbers or formulas.
    • formulas are instructions for calculations, functions are prewritten formulas.
    • range is a series of cells
    • analytical graphs (charts) represent data visually.
    • recalculation occurs whenever a value changes in one cell that affects another cell(s)
    • what-if-analysis is the process of observing the effect of changing one or more values.


    It is the program that sets up, or structures, a database. It also provides tools to enter, edit, and retrieve data from the database.
    Features of database management systems
    • relational database = organized data into related tables.
    • rows = records ; column = fields
    • a sort tools will quickly rearrange a table's records according to a selected field.
    • filter = quickly display only those records meeting the conditions you specify.
    • query = question or a request for specific data contained in a database.
    • forms = displayed on the computer monitor and typically reflect the contents for one record in a table, and it also used to enter and edit records.
    • reports = printed output in a variety of forms.


    It combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations. They are excellent tools to communicate a message and to persuade people.


    Features of presentation graphics
    • slides = individual pages or screens of a presentations.
    • design templates = professionally selected combination of color schemes, slide layouts, and special effects.
    • content templates = provide suggested content for each slides.
    • animation = adds action to text and graphics, transitions animate moving from one slide to the next. 


    It also known as personal or home software, a single program that provides the functionality of several application packages.


    Important characteristics
    • functions that typically include word processing, spreadsheets, database manager, and more. Each function is not as extensive or powerful as a single-function application program.
    • less expensive than purchasing several individual application programs and simple to use.
    • popular with home users who are willing to sacrifice some advanced features for cost and simplicity.


    It is a collection of individual application packages sold together.

    • productivity suites (office software suites or office suites) contains professional-grade applicatuon programs.
    • alternative office suites include downloadable office suites (stored on your computer) or online office suites (stored online).
    • specialized suites focus on specific application such as graphics.
    • utility suites include a variety of programs designed to make computing easier and safer

    ***Information is getting from the book - Computing Essential 2011

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